the myth of Tiresias...
After reading Antigone, I found an interesting character whom is Tiresias. He was the one whom had managed to make Creon rethinks of his decision. I made a further reading upon Tiresias and I am really surprised that he eventually had been a woman. The story begins when Tiresias, the son of a nymph an a human father, lives as a shaman in ancient Greece. According to the legend, he was changed into a woman when he killed a male snake in a wood. After seven years being a female tiresias, he was then turn back to normal after came upon two serpents mating and killed the female snake in the same wood. Years later, the gods of Mount Olympus had an argument as who had the greater pleasure in making love. Tiresias was called to give his opinion as he was the only one whom had experienced being in both gender. He told them that nine upon ten the pleasures of love must be given to the woman and soon after that, the peace returned to Olympus again. As a reward, he was given his shamanic powers. This is really superb isn't it? How on earth one could think to be living in both gender? It is reaaly out of logic but...anyway, that is what we called a legend. I'm actually wondering, is it a curse or a give in being a woman? Why should he turned to be a woman after making a sin? And why should he get his normal body after making the same deed again? Hm... Is it bad being a woman that she ( it's confusing dealing with this ha and she terms you know...) need to commit another killing? Is that what we perceive as 'the act of neutralizing our past sins'? Aaarghh...there is a lot to think...
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