good morning miss lien...
Again...I'l be standing in front of the class as a teacher. Not really teaching, but I love to call it as mini teaching. One experience won't promise another better one you see...In the last semester, I got a B for this task. I wonder if I could achieve more than that in this semester.Or at least, a B+ would do. After a long and tiring wait, it's finally my turn to present. Well, what can you expect when the day just refused to befriend with you? There was no electricity and I could not display my prepared transparency to be shared with the class. Fortunately, I have a gift from God...the BRAIN of course. I made a spantaneous set induction and to me, it did workout quite well. Just that I need more real experience and exercises to polish up my skill. I would love to thank all my classmates for their co-operation during my simulated teaching task. For me, I will certainly fail to proceed with my work if I ain't got their support. It is a kind of team work when you are doing such task. So, better 'upgrade' your relation with all your friends in order to get supports that will help you...not the kind that will harm you. Got what I mean??? All in all, I am strongly agreed that this activity is a good platform for us;the teacher to be, to prepare ourselves in dealing with the class sooner. Emm...before that, I add another 'B' in my the B for Better than before? or Brilliant but not the Best? or maybe it is the B for quite Boring but not Bad afterall??? Hehehe...a B?What can I say? My daddy will always say," Girl, keep on trying!". hmm..I'm learning daddy... =)
At 3:11 PM,
inafarhana said…
hye miss lien!
i love the way you express yourself regarding the simulated teaching.You know what, i like the way you've carried out your teaching even though it was in the uncomfortable situation.You have gifted with the capability to do impromptu and yet you did not look nervous at all. i wish i can just be like you in controlling my stage fright.B is for better and better and later it will turn out as BEST!So,i hope we all can do our very best in the second simulated teaching.
At 11:01 AM,
puspa suriati wahid said…
I am agree with miss Lien opinion about 'mini teaching' (simulated teaching). She said that this teaching exercise could gain close realtionship with friends as they help pretend to be our students in the classroom. this is true because i also have experience the same thing which make me realise that all my friends are very special and always be there by my side. In addition, this task help me to gain experiences on how should i teach when i become the real teacher. Dr. Edwin advices have become my support in order for me to give the best for my students. furthermore, this simulated teaching has made me aware of my mistake in teaching and make me realise that we should unite because we are the minor group in this big university. Last but not least, gongratulation to miss Lien as she has improve herself in the teaching field...
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