duh...! cool huh...

I never thought that this would be a very boring play. It actually drives me to sleep but you know...whatever happens, i just need to finish up watching it. It was absolutely different from The Reduced Shakespeare Company. What i had expected is that it would be as interesting as the latter play. Howver, it did happened conversely. I don't know...maybe others have different view from me but to be frank, i dislike this play. And up to this very minute, i am very sure that will not spent my time to watch it again. I do have a feeling that this movie was actually made for those whom are really fond with any work which relates to Shakespeare. After viewing both play, i managed to draw my own conclusion. To me, if ever i watched this movie before 'The Reduced Shakespeare Company', I might not watch any of Shakespeare or other people work about Shakspeare ever again. Luckily, i got to watch the hillarious work of The Reduced Shakespeare Company on the first hand. It relly is amazing on how other people works can set or change your perspective about a certain thing. In this case, the Shakespeare work itself of course.Well, I do not said that this movie is a total crap(guys!!!don't get me wrong okay...). It is just that i am not into this movie because it is not ineresting enough to grab my attention. That's all. All in all, they done a good work because doing a joint venture work with two different culture and country is not an easy thing i guess... I'd give them a round of applause for their commitment and initiative in completing their tidious task ( they enjoyed it anyway...). =)