a,b,c,...read it!

Terrific! I had suddenly awake from my dreamland. Isn't dramas are all about the playwrights' created world? I was wrong. After all, this EDU 3217 course is about learning the language to teach drama. So, what the hustle and bustle am I making? My jaw dropped open ( did it? ) when I attend the first few lectures. We were introduced with new terms that we had never heard before ( some of us maybe...). We had an overview of the history of theatre and to my concern, I never knew that it will be that complicated. However, it is interesting. I got to learn the historical background and many more. Plus, we were also taught about the conventions of theatre. In this part, I realised that there are many new terms that I should know by heart as I am very sure that I am going to use it along this course. See, it really isn't that difficult as what I had thought it would be in the earlier place. To make myself very clear and will always be on the right track, I know that I had a lot of reading to make up. When you read and keep yourself familiar with the content, the information will automatically stored in your brain and the task of completing this course will be much easier. I hope so. In addition, by enjoying the whole of this learning period, I am sure that things will get better.